Although I love hot weather, I can't wait for fall. My daughter has a 21 year old brother yet is being raised as an only child due to the age difference, which falls on my back. There are some games my children play together such as Wii but that's where it stops. My husband works and I am disabled, so I'm my daughter's playmate. We go to the park, McDonald's playhouse, the lake, the Library the beach and play in the backyard. We play Grateful Dead Opoly, paint, photography, and other forms of art. The days are not easy for me mostly due to my back injury. I have stopped going to the gym this summer. I have stopped reading.
I may sound as if I'm complaining but I'm really not. I love every moment I spend with my daughter and thank God everyday I have her.
September is my time. School will start and I will be able to return to my adult activities. I will return to the gym with much pleasure and maybe finish that book I put down in June half started.
Wow, I really missed the mark with the punctuation.